As we approach mid-term elections

As we approach mid-term elections we find ourselves on the front lines defending our way of life, freedoms and liberties. Our nation has fallen into dark times. Our nation can not survive another two years with the status quo. Do you remember all the speeches about CHANGE.

Here’s some of the changes we’ve seen: Our veterans have been forgotten by the same people that sent them into harms way! Our flag can no longer be flown in some cities! We’re racist, terrorist or extremist if we do not agree with our leaders and politicians! The IRS targeting Americans! Illegals are treated better than Americans, better than our veterans! Our children are being suspended from school for food shaped into guns or playing with toys in their front yards! Our government is spying and collecting data on us! Our politicians and leaders promote race riots! Every single right we have is under attack! These are just a few of the changes we’ve seen. Can we afford any more?  I think NOT!

On Tuesday, November 4 vote for your nation and not a party! We are Americans!

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