The government has used fear throughout our history to strip us of
our Constitutional rights and to expand our dependency on big government. Big government was the last thing our Founding Father’s wanted. Yet, we have it. Where did we go astray? It starts with the promise of safety. Who doesn’t want to be safe in their own home, community and country? When a populace is scared or in fear they will do and act irrationally; even give up a little freedom to obtain the life style that provides this safety. The government knows this and has used it in the past and continues to use it to this day. There are many examples from our history where the government has used our fears to strip our rights away and we have blindly followed them for the feeling of “safety”. How many Constitutional rights were taken away from us after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? The list is long but some of the most outrageous violations in the name of safety were kidnapping, detention, torture, warrantless wiretapping, increased surveillance, Real ID, No fly lists, spying, etc., etc. Granted we have no ill feeling for the torture of terrorists but who’s to say it stopped with terrorists? Every time there’s a mass shooting like Columbine on April 20, 1999, Aurora Movie Theater on July 20, 2012 and Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012 our right to bear arms has come under attack. Does anyone remember what happened to over 120,000
Japanese American citizens after we entered into World War II? They were gathered up and placed in concentration camps (I’m sorry, internment camps) and the American people let them do it. What about the American Indians? We hunted them down and killed them because we were afraid. We then forcefully relocated them and in the process killed thousands. These horrific events were due to fear.
Outrage! Outrage is as powerful, if not more powerful than fear. Outrage can be instantaneous or take years to develop, but the end result is a very powerful emotion that turns the sanest of individuals into crazed lunatics. Outrage will make people do things they never imagined, even forfeit their rights. The government knows this as well as it knows fear. What happens after every mass shooting or terrorist attack? The government comes flying in like a super hero to save the day saying I’m the government and I want the American people to be safe. Really?! The government doesn’t give a damn about your safety, outrage or even fear, they will use this to expand their powers and strip your rights.
The government thrives on fear and outrage. If it wasn’t for these emotions the government wouldn’t have half its powers and control. The government may be a veteran at using these emotions against us but it fails to realize that it can turn on them like a rabid dog. Outrage is building throughout our nation and if they fail to see the signs it will be a dark time in American history. The Civil War was not started because of slavery. That’s right, everything we were taught in schools about the Civil War was a lie. The Civil War was started when the south got tired of big government. The final straw was when President Lincoln was elected and imposed a tariff. The fight for slavery came into the picture two years after the war had started when President Lincoln figured out that he could use slaves to fight against the Confederate States. If you do not know history you cannot learn from it. Apparently most of our politicians lack this knowledge of our history and big government may be the reason we have a second civil war.