Liberals are spoiled little brats that think the world revolves around them, that the world owes them; the world has handed them a bad hand and it’s the conservatives role to right this wrong. Every time something offends them, they want to remove it, restrict it, or ban it. Every time someone disagrees with them, they want them fired or have them resign. The list of examples is long so we’ll just give a couple of examples
- Roseberg, Oregon Sheriff: He supports gun rights and has publicly announced his support for gun rights so he must resign.
- The NRA: The NRA alone with Gun Owners of America are kicking their butts and their not sure how to stop them. If you can’t stop them send the IRS after them. If that doesn’t work, we’ll have the State Department add them to the Terrorist list.
- Emily Miller: Gun rights activist and news journalist Emily Miller stands up against the gun grabbers so they asked Fox News to fire her.
- Assault Rifles: Yes, the big black scary riffle that’s used in less than 1% of anything evil. It’s simply a semi-auto rifle that looks like the military riffle so its evil and must be banned.
- The Confederate Battle Flag: Do we even have to say anything on this one?
- Monuments: Oklahoma just removed a monument of the Ten Commandments because it was offensive. There are others, trust me on that but we only listed the most recent.
- Civil War Soldiers: Yes, not even the dead are protected from liberals. If it offends us we’ll dig up their bodies and relocate them.
Continuing on we must not forget the things liberals like. Yes, they actually do like somethings. Mainly free things. Government provided benefits (handouts) you and I pay for. Look at every single city ran by liberals and what do you see? Bankrupt cities in chaos. Crime, poverty and unemployment through the roof. We call it wealth redistribution.
Here’s a slap of reality!!! Liberals hate Conservatives with a passion but where would they be without us? Who would finance these government handouts? So, what exactly do liberal contribute? Please, give me one example. Just one…
Stand up. Stand strong.