This day in History
On December 11, 1941, Germany an dItaly declared war on the United States.
How are we supposed to win the war against radical religious fanatics if we can’t even figure out if we want to call them ISIS or ISIL.
The left has taken Joseph Stalin’s quote to the next level. They hold our education system in the palms of their hands. Our education system is pumping out selfish, self-centered, whiny little brats that will someday run our companies and Nation. If this doesn’t give you pause then I am not sure what will.
Do you know what your children are being taught? The answer may surprise you. Do you know who writes their textbooks? The answer may surprise you.
Everyone would agree that our children need the best education possible to succeed in life. But knowing what they are being taught is where it is getting difficult to answer. You probably think they’re being taught what we learned in school which could be the case but chances are high they are not. You see, many of our schools have become liberal strongholds and as a result our children are being taught liberal beliefs. Now this isn’t a problem if you’re a liberal, but what if you’re a conservative, independent or libertarian? Now you have a problem.
What they are learning at home and what they are learning in our schools could be two completely different things. Many schools are handing surveys out to children on a wide variety of subjects. Do you want your children to unknowingly give our schools personal information about your life and beliefs? Probably not. Have you told your children to be wary of surveys or personal questions? Recently we read an article about a Texas school handing out surveys that asked questions about religion, guns and politics to 5th graders. What does a 5th grader know about these subjects? Nothing, but they do know what mommy and daddy discuss in the privacy of their home. So who do you think the school was collecting information on? It sure the hell wasn’t the 5th graders. Many parents will never hear of these intrusive surveys. Have your children participated in any surveys? Got you thinking didn’t we? It’s scary and intrusive beyond imagination.
Are you proud to be an American? Are your children? If so, why are so many college students protesting our Nation’s flag? Why are they embarrassed to be Americans? In some cases it could be the way they were raised, but in many other cases it’s what they have learned in school, not what they have learned at home. How many educators are liberals? How many textbooks have been published by left leaning publishers? Children are little knowledge sponges, they soak up everything they see and hear. What message are we sending our children when we ban patriotic clothing or symbols because it may offend someone? What about banning Merry Christmas and replacing it with Happy Holidays? Do you think they aren’t paying attention!
Our schools, colleges and universities are no longer American friendly. Portions of our history have been removed, altered and yes, some is complete fiction. It is scary what our children are being taught and even scarier what they aren’t being taught.
Let’s spend a little time on winners and losers. Did you realize it’s no longer acceptable to be number one? No, we are all winners. There are winners and losers in life and there should be in our schools. Take pride in being the best and if you’re not, try harder. Life is tough and the faster our children realize this, the better off they will be. Are all of your co-workers winners, I didn’t think so. What’s going to happen when our children grow up thinking everyone is a winner? Our society will crumble. You and me rely on winners, we hire winners, we look up to winners. When was the last time you wanted to work side by side with a loser? Never! Why? Because they do not perform and their lack of motivation will bring your performance down. Is the word “loser” too tough, or mean, or insensitive? Tough, it’s life. We need to teach our children that being a winner is good and not bad. The values our schools are teaching our children will hurt and not benefit them in the long run.
Let’s move on to political correctness in schools. What is this crap? Can’t kids be kids? We were, and we grew up just fine. In fact…. did we have mass shootings growing up? No, we did not. Because we grew up around values, winners, and right and wrong. Today everything is so politically correct that it would drive the sanest person insane. Kids can’t play cops and robbers, they can’t play cowboys and indians or soldiers. Nope, guns or anything resembling a gun will get you kicked out or suspended from school. Why? We grew up with them. Maybe, just maybe our parents raised us with values, with the knowledge of right and wrong. Do you see a pattern forming here? We are smashing their imaginations and creativity for what? Political Correctness.
Brainwashing is the act of replacing one thought with another. How many hours a day do you spend with your children? Now, how many hours do our educators spend with your children? Do you know what values and ideas are being taught? Are they in alignment with yours? Whose values and ideas will stick with our children? Possibly not yours. Christianity has been banned in our schools. Has Islam? Is the Constitution of the United State being taught? If so, is it being taught correctly or have they thrown a liberal twist into it? Why are our schools banning American culture just because it may offend some minority? Do we not live in America? Didn’t these minority’s come to America for a better life? If so, why wouldn’t they be honored to celebrate our traditions? That answer will really scare you.
I hate talking doom and gloom but we have an issue on our hands. Our education system is so far left that we may never recover. If we continue educating our children with these values and ideas our Constitution will be gone in a generation. Think about it. Is this what we want? This has been a long and very well executed plan and it’s right on track.
Think this is complete BS? Explain how a self proclaimed socialist running for President of the United States has our college students under a spell? Who would have thought a socialist running for President in the United States has captured the hearts and minds of our children? I’ll be more than happy to tell you. It’s our education system at its finest. We have successfully turned out a generation of spoiled, rotten, self absorbed brats that think the world owes them a free pass. Now, tell me where we went wrong?
This isn’t something new, no, it’s been under way for years and no one has questioned it. Business as usual as they like to say.
So, I must ask again. Do you know what our schools are teaching? Do you know what values and ideas your children’s teachers hold true? The answer may surprise you.
Governor Hogan, the people of Maryland need your help. They need to be able to defend themselves, family and property from radical religious fanatics. As you know Maryland is a “May Issue” state and residents need to have a “good and substantial” reason to apply for a wear and carry permit. We urge you to consider this new threat a “good and substantial” reason to allow Maryland residents the Right to protect themselves.
All residents that wish to purchase a handgun in the state of Maryland need an Handgun Qualification License (HQL), which requires state mandated training. More training than most states required to conceal carry. We urge you to consider the HQL as an interim wear and carry permit until they can apply and be approved for a Maryland State Wear and Carry Permit.
By approving the HQL as a temporary wear and carry permit you will be helping thousands of Marylanders protect themselves and others if a terrorist(s) carry out an attack in Maryland. We would also like to suggest that the state of Maryland recognize concealed carry permits/licenses from other states.
Thank you and God be with you, your family and the great people of Maryland.
-Patriots Rising
Why are the politicians calling for more gun control while our Nation is under attack from extreme religious fanatics? Does this make sense? So, who are you going to listen to, a self-serving and possibly corrupt politician or law enforcement officials? I don’t know about you but I’m going with law enforcement on this one