“We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.”
-George Washington
All posts by Patriots Rising
Patriots Rising Founders
Founding Members
Patriots Rising was an idea that started out of frustration; frustration in our political and judicial system. Our nation has faltered due to corruption and self-serving politicians that have forgotten they represent the people. They have taken public office to advance their agenda, power and wealth at the expense of the American people.
All great nations fail; history has taught us this, it’s just a matter of time before they implode from the corruption. Can a hand full of people change the course of history from repeating itself? No, but a majority of people can and that was our hopes for Patriots Rising. We knew it would take a lot of work to build up a substantial presence and we are still working around the clock to make that happen. We can make a difference and our voices will be heard.
We had several goals but the two primary goals were to educate and advocate our freedoms and liberties as Americans. We knew we could make learning history fun and interesting. We also knew that millions of people thought the same as we did. That made the advocating part easy. Be honest and be true to your beliefs and people will listen.
Doc is retired Navy and was a Hospital Corpsman for 20 years. Both her father and brother served in the Navy.
As a mother of four Doc has spent her life defending our freedoms and liberties so her children, and their children could enjoy what so many take for granted.
Doc is a Range Safety Officer, NRA Certified Instructor, handgun, shotgun and rifle Instructor. She’s passionate about training and teaching others about firearms and personal protection. She started shooting early in her life and her first firearm was a Dan Wesson .357 Revolver with interchangeable barrels.
Jester spent 7 years in the Air Force as a Survival Instructor. Both his father and Grandfather served in the Army.
Jester is a Range Safety Office, NRA Certified Instructor and handgun, shotgun and rifle Instructor. He started shooting at an early age with his first Daisy BB gun, then a couple pellet guns and then finally his first pistol, a Browning Hi-Power. In the Air Force Jester qualified on the M16 and the M9, his duty pistol.
TYRANNY – Cruel As Nature
Violation Of The Rights Of Others
Government As the Servant
Disarm The People
Power Tends To Corrupt
The People of Roseburg, Oregon
The people of Roseburg have gone through a horrific tragedy and have stayed strong and committed. They will survive! But that’s not why we’re writing this; we believe Roseburg has accomplished something no one else has been able to.
Here’s how we see it and we’d like to hear your opinion. The people of Roseburg have endured over the last week something that hopefully you and I will never experience and they stood strong. They, in our opinion have done more for gun rights than any gun lobby out there. In less than a week they have propelled our right to self-protection to the next level and it’s something the NRA, GOA and all the others have failed to do. Please, do not take that statement wrong. We would not have the rights we have now if it wasn’t for the NRA, GOA, Second Amendment Foundation and all the others. These organizations work around the clock to support and defend our rights as gun owners. But the people of Roseburg’s message has reached millions of people that would not have otherwise thought about gun rights; which is because of mainstream media. They control what people read, hear and see, but they couldn’t control what the people of Roseburg said. The interviews made it on prime-time news, it reached millions; it reached millions that have never given gun ownership much thought. They broke down the barriers that 2nd Amendment Supporters have been trying to for years.
How many Americans out there read, heard and saw how passionate the people of Roseburg were about gun rights? They heard their arguments against gun free zones and people were listening. Yes, gun grabbers heard and of course started bitching and complaining but how many others sat up and said “wow, I never thought of that”. The people of Roseburg spoke to millions and the word got out.
Do you agree or disagree? What are your thoughts? Do you believe the people of Roseburg have done what others have failed to do?
Rise Up – Rise Strong
After A Shooting Spree
Desperation Will Lead To Confiscation
We would like to talk to every America loving patriot out there but we can’t; there are simply too many. The mainstream media likes to portray us as the minority, but we all know that’s simply not the case. I think that myth was disproved last November when we shocked this nation during the mid-term elections. Did the mid-term elections give us what we wanted? No. We were betrayed by our elected officials. Honestly, we knew it was going to happen, but we had hopes that they would stand for American beliefs and our way of life.
We want to talk to every patriot out there that feels betrayed. Betrayed by the people we sent to Washington D.C. There is a battle brewing and its building up momentum. Last week a crazed murderer took the lives of 9 innocent people. Shortly after the news broke and before the bodies of those lost we’re removed, our President addressed the nation. You could see and hear his passion and sorrow but it wasn’t for those lost. No, it was for his failed attempt to take our Rights. You see, he has this obsession, an evil and deceitful obsession that has consumed him and his administration. He doesn’t agree with the Constitution of the United States and he does not agree Americans have the right to own firearms.
The nation as a whole has grown tired of his attempts to disarm us. His mission in life is failing and he’s admitted this on multiple occasions. If he had his way, he would confiscate over 300 million guns. You and I know this is impossible! Americans would never agree and would never comply and that’s where the battle starts.
Desperation makes people think and act irrationally and they are at that point. They are desperate to take our Rights away and this will prove to be their undoing. Do you know why they’re desperate? It’s because the majority of Americans refuse to accept their lies; we are tired of them and we see the truth.
Anyone with common-sense can see the truth. Today Democrats in Washington D.C. will announce new gun-control laws to stop what they can’t stop. They know this, we know this, yet they will push these laws in the name of safety. Safety is their Trojan House. Desperation will lead to confiscation and confiscation will lead to civil war.
Do we hope and pray we are wrong? Yes! We would like nothing more to close down Patriots Rising and move on with our lives. Patriots Rising was created for one reason, one reason alone. To protect our rights as American citizens. If our freedoms and liberties were not in jeopardy Patriots Rising would not exist.
The way we see it is this: If we are wrong about these new gun control laws, we move on and give them credit for doing the right thing. If we’re right, our options are very limited and they might be fact declaring war. Our Rights have been debated for years, personally speaking, they have been debated too long. The debate was settle on December 15, 1791. Gun control has taken on many different faces, names and causes and it’s all come down to confiscation. They have always denied confiscation was their end goal but we all knew it was. The fact that they are failing is the only reason the truth has slipped out. It’s now out in the open and everyone can see their true intentions. Knowing this truth will only strengthen our defense. Right now we have three groups;
- Gun rights supporters
- Gun control supporters
- Millions of Americans that are undecided
It’s the third group that will be forced to pick sides and honestly I believe most will side with our Constitutional Rights. They know if one is under attack our other rights will soon follow. The Obama administration will force their hand and they will be the deciding factor.
We truly believe no one, and we mean no one reading this wants another civil war. Simply speaking it would rip our nation apart. Our nation would not survive a civil war and everyone know this. Obama and his administration knows that gun confiscation would start our second civil war. So one must wonder if this isn’t by design. Obama said he wanted to change America and we’ve seen where his loyalty stands. Hint, it’s not the side of Americans.
Where will you stand? I can tell you where Patriots Rising will stand. We stand behind the Constitution of the United States and we will support and defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Rise Up – Rise Strong