All posts by Patriots Rising
Sacred Union of Marriage
The sacred union of marriage was not hi-jacked by the government today, that happened years ago when the government turned marriage into a financial contract between two people. In our society today it seems that marriage is no more than a piece of paper, a license you receive from your local courthouse.
We must remember what marriage really is and not what it has been turned into. It’s the love between a man and woman who have committed their lives to each other. The only union that will give birth to the next generation of freedom loving Americans.
Brushfires of Freedom
Road Trip of Insanity
On this road trip of insanity, we must follow through to make sure we remove all references to all things that offend. Why stop at the Confederate flag and Civil War monuments? Let’s ban all images of George Washington, he owned slaves. As a matter of fact, most of our founding fathers owned slaves. What about the crimes against the Native Americans? What about the Japanese-American citizens we placed in internment camps? Where do you stop?
History is filled with good and bad and it can’t be changed or censored! Any and all corporations, politicians and media outlets that have supported this witch hunt are disgraceful!!
Uncle Sam Calls
The Patriot Volunteer
One week ago a lone, deranged and mentally ill person attacked a church and killed people. Rather than mourning those that were lost and coming up with an actual game plan to address these types of deranged individuals we completely freak the hell out. A flag that has been part of our history for over one hundred years is banned, removed and merchants refuse to sell it. We call for gun control laws that have done nothing and will do nothing to stop future events. We have politicians repeating the same statements over and over because they are incapable of original thought. The Pope calls anyone associated with weapons hypocrites. We have journalists and politicians fueling the fire of hatred. We have given the shooter exactly what they wanted………mayhem, disbelief, hatred…….
To our leaders…..I hope you’re proud of what we have become. I’m embarrassed beyond belief and to many of us you are a disgrace! Please stand for something and stop following the mob.