“The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
– Patrick Henry
All posts by Patriots Rising
Predictable pattern of reaction
Government is the poblem
Eternal hostility against every form of tyranny
Divide and Conquer or Racism?
Over the past couple of years, possibly a little longer we have seen the resurrection of racism. Now, when I say a resurrection I mean from a national stand point and not from an individual stand point. I honestly believe we’ll always have some form of racism and that’s a shame because we are better than that. We’ll have the KKK, skin heads and the Black Panthers or some similar groups but what we’re seeing today is completely different. What we’re seeing today is being fueled by our elected officials. Our elected officials have set out to divide our nation, to divide and conquer, to divide and rule the ruins. Why? I think the more important question is why are we letting them?
I would like to venture out on the limb and say we do not have a racism problem in our nation. We have a leadership problem in our nation. Our elected officials have created this illusion of racism and so many in this great nation of ours have fallen for it. We see protest signs that read “Black Lives Matter”, “Black Power”, “Stop Killing Blacks” and so on. What about the school in Portland, OR that sent their entire staff to diversity training because a teacher used “sandwich” as a learning example. Yes, the word “sandwich” is now racist. If you don’t like a type of food you are racist. Didn’t we elect our first African American President? It’s surprising that the very person that is in a position to say racism in America is getting better, I am proof that we have made big strides in reducing the amount of racism in this country but instead, this is the individual that is digging it up from the past. Why would the person that accomplished so much by becoming the first African American President sabotage his legacy? I do not have the answer but I do know some people thrive on misery and turmoil. Could this be the reason? Maybe, but only his family and close associates will know the real reason.
Top officials in our government and our so-called civic leaders are pushing this bullshit in cities around the nation. They are playing with American lives and we’re letting them. How many times did you hear about racism 10 years ago? I’ll bet not that often. Today that’s all we hear, it’s all we talk about. If you disagree with someone you’re a racist. If you don’t like a certain type of food you’re a racist. If you walk down one side of the street and not the other you’re a racist. Please! How many times in the last week have you heard Black lives matter, black power, stop killing blacks? I know, probably more than you can count. How many violent protests have taken place in the name of racism? How many did you see ten years ago? Today the term racist is used when liberals are unable to carry on an intellectual conversation, or if you disagree with them. Why are some people letting the political elite play them for a bunch of fools? It makes absolutely no sense!
The very same political elite are also calling American loving, flag wavers extremists. They cannot understand or comprehend people that love this country and the freedoms it offers. They want to control everyone and everything around them and patriotic Americans are fighting them. They do not want any part of this perfect utopia of “government provides all” agenda that the liberals have dreamed up and it drives them crazy that we freedom lovin’ Americans want absolutely no part of it! Therefore, now we are the extremists. So America is now full of racists and extremists? I think not. Nothing about the American people have changed. What has changed are the corrupt, power hungry politicians that want to transform American into a government controlled utopia.
Your neighbor is most likely no more a racist or extremist than you are. Joe blow down the road is not a racist, he’s just smarter than his liberal neighbor, which makes him a racist or extremist. The default attack plan of all liberals is name calling. If you’re called a name by a liberal don’t take it too seriously, in fact take it as a compliment. It’s their way of telling you that you’re smarter than them and they do not have the intellectual capability to carry on the conversation.
So the next time you hear a person calling someone a racist or extremist take a closer look at who’s saying it. Chances are high that they’re a liberal with absolutely no clue. Simply smile at them and walk away.
May God have mercy
The Very Definition of Tyranny
Laws do not stop criminals
Evil People
Quote of the Day
“Tragedy has been and will always be with us. Somewhere right now, evil people are planning evil things. All of us will do everything meaningful, everything we can do to prevent it, but each horrible act can’t become an axe for opportunists to cleave the very Bill of Rights that binds us.”
-Charlton Heston