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2000px-Gadsden_flag_svgThe Gadsden flag was designed in 1775 during the American Revolution war by American General Christopher Gadsden. The historic flag depicting a coiled rattlesnake ready to strike on a field of yellow with the words “Don’t Tread on Me” is considered to be one of the first flags of the United States.

The first known use of a snake as a symbol of the American colonies can be traced back to Benjamin Franklin when he published a satirical commentary in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1751. His article in the Pennsylvania Gazette suggested the colonists send rattlesnakes to England as a way of thanking the British for sending convicted felons to America. Three years later in 1754 Benjamin JoinOrDieFranklin used the snake again in a less humorous manner. In the very first political cartoon published in an American newspaper Benjamin Franklin illustrated a snake cut into eight sections. The sections represented the individual colonies with the words “Join, or die” underneath.

The Gadsden flag with its many variations has been used throughout our history as a symbol of American patriotism, independence and freedom.

Molon Labe

Did You Know?

Molon Labe or “come and take them” was reportedly the response King Leonidas gave the Persian army when they demanded they lay down their weapons during the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. Since then several variations of the defiant expression have been used throughout history.

American patriots used “come and take it” during the American Revolutionary War.

Defiant Texans used  “come and take it” during the Texas Revolution.

Molon Labe is also the motto for the United States Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT).

The short but powerful phrase  has become the most popular call of defiance with Second Amendment activists throughout our nation.


Common Sense?

Common Sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge.

“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.”
-Robert G Ingersoll

here-lies-common-senseThese days the Federal Government and gun-control advocates are pushing “Common Sense Gun-Control”.  We have issues with their understanding of the term.  Many individuals may be extremely intelligent but lack the basic ability to comprehend the simplest concepts of reality.

So let’s explore some of the common sense proposals they have suggested in regards to gun-control.

  • Background checks for private transfers!
    • Have you ran a background check to make sure I’m legally able to own this firearm?  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning standard capacity magazine!
    • That’s a 30 round magazine… we can’t use that.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning or restricting concealed carry!
    • Make sure you have your concealed carry permit before we hold up that bank.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Gun Free Zones!
    • This sucks! It’s a gun free zone. We need to pick another victim rich environment.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning Firearms!
    • If they ban firearms we won’t be able to get our hands on any.  Said no criminal EVER!

If you are unable to comprehend these examples then you my friend lack common sense and therefore forfeit your right to suggest any and all common sense gun-control laws.