Category Archives: Did You Know?

Facts and trivia from American History

1905-01-22 Bloody Sunday

This Day In History

On January 22, 1905, Russian troop fire on civilians beginning Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Demonstrators led by Father Georgy Gapon were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

Estimates of killed and injured protesters vary greatly, but moderate estimates put it around 1,000, killed and/or injured.


1981-01-19 Iran Hostage Crisis

This Day In  History

On January 19, 1981 the Algiers Accords were signed and 52 American citizens were set free and able to leave Iran.

The Algiers Accords were agreements between the United States and Iran to resolve the Iran Hostage Crisis. The crisis arose from the takeover of the American embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979, and the taking of American hostages.


1776-01-13 Prudence Island Raid

This Day In History

On January 13, 1776, the British raided Prudence Island, Rhode Island, in an effort to steal sheep.  When they landed on the island’s southern beach they were ambushed by Captain Joseph Knight and his Minuteman from Rhode Island’s Second Company.  A deadly battle between the two ensued and the British were forced to retreat.
