Category Archives: Just Saying


Just Saying…

We really enjoy watching movies……….. It would be great if Hollywood would stop complaining about their rough and unfair lives and just do their jobs as entertainers. You know, the jobs where they’re paid millions to make believe…

Stomach Pains and Nausea

Just Saying…

Do you ever get sick to your stomach when you look at someone’s picture or get nauseated when that same person speaks?

I experience this issue on a regular basis and I’m wondering if there are others out there with the same condition. When I see a picture of Bloomberg, Shannon Watts, Obama’s and many, many others I get this horrible pain in my stomach. It’s like I have to go to the bathroom but then it passes when I turn my head. Is this normal, or should I get it checked out? It’s even worse when these same people speak. I’m concerned this may be a more serious issue but I don’t want my doctor to think I’m a hypochondriac. Am I over reacting? Is this something I need to be worried about or I’m I just being a whiny ass?
