Category Archives: Rants

Gun Free Zones

All over our nation we have gun free zones. These target rich environments have proven worthless when some lunatic wants to cause bodily harm to others and to make themselves a household name. Why haven’t they worked as many think they should? Well the answer is pretty simple yet many fail to underGun-Control02stand, which is probably why we still have them. The simple explanation is bad people do not follow the laws and they sure the hell don’t pay attention to a little sign. There you have it! It’s a short one sentence explanation that seems to confuse so many. Why is this? Well there’s a simple explanation for that one as well and again it’s one short sentence. They have their heads up their ass! Again, nothing confusing here just the simple truth. When we were kids we used to play and imagine we had imaginary force fields around us, much like these gun free zones. Unfortunately they didn’t work then and they definitely don’t work today. Go ahead and give it a try if you don’t believe me. Imagine really hard that you have a protective force field around your entire body. You must think really hard or it won’t work. Once your mentally ready run really, really fast into a brick wall. Did it protect you?

The same principles and logic can be applied to gun-control as a whole. Why doesn’t gun-control work to stop or at least prevent random acts of violence? It’s because bad people do not follow the laws. If they don’t follow the laws why do we have them? Well that’s another good question and the answer is (you guessed it) simple. We have laws so when laws are broken the person responsible for breaking that law is punished accordingly. If we did not have bad people we would not need laws, but that’s not the case and I don’t see it happening anytime soon. So while the gun grabbers are out there making up their own statistics to agree with their agenda we’re stuck writing rants that defend our god given rights. It’s an endless circle. A bad person harms or kills someone, the gun grabbers instantly jump on the guns are evil bandwagon and you and I are shaking our heads trying to find the connection. It will never change and because we can’t fix stupid we’re locked into this endless cycle.

It’s not difficult to discredit and prove without a doubt that gun-control in all its forms is flawed. This doesn’t even take into consideration that it’s a right we’ve had for over 200 years. So how can they even attempt to pass gun-control laws when our Bill of Rights state without question that we have the right to be armed and this right shall not be infringed? Yes, it’s still unclear as to which part of that is confusing. Let me point out that “Armed” doesn’t mean firearms, it means we can be armed with anything that makes us feel secure and protected. Whether that be a knife, sword, gun, cannon or even an effing tank. And if you happen to own an effing tank I’m jealous! If you have the means to buy a tank so be it. Although it may be difficult to slide that puppy into your pocket or purse, and parallel parking it would be a bitch. Being armed is a right and we’ve cleared up the confusion of the word ARMED. Then we have “Shall not be infringed”. I think that is clearly understandable and no explanation is needed, even for our liberal readers out there.
So gun-control benefits the criminals and mentally unstable while turning a complete populace into defenseless targets, Wow! We have managed to discredit all the myths about gun free zones and gun-control! I feel much better and now on to world peace.

As I rant about the complete and utter stupidity of our mindless liberal friends I must point out that our society, way of life and freedoms are close to extinction. If we continue down this path and do nothing to stop the liberal pandemic that threatens our nation, our children and their children will not know what freedom is. Laws no matter how well they are written or how logical they seem will never prevent people from making the wrong decision.

Liberals a National Pandemic


I have to admit that I was never interested in or followed politics and I never thought I would become an advocate for anything.  Oh how life changes.  I was very content waking up in the morning and going to work, going home and spending the evenings with my family.  It was simple!  I was raised with strong work and family ethics.  My father, God rest is soul always said “if you want something you better work your ass off for it, because nothing is given to you!”  I truly believed this for the first part of my life.  As I grew older I started to notice that many people were living off the system and figured they had hit a rough patch in their lives.  Naturally I thought they will pick up the pieces and start being productive once again.  I was wrong!  Yes, there are many people out there that have hit rough patches and yes they’re picking up the pieces, but there are many more that want everything for nothing.  These people that feed off our system have become the norm.  Yes, the norm and they have the right to vote and have turned our nation into a nation of bottom feeders.  They have elected officials that represent them and are now taking from the productive citizens.  Liberalism has become a pandemic.  This paints a pretty horrible picture, but as bad as it sounds we still have hope.  Like myself many have grown tired of the status quo and have decided to make a stand.  We have become advocates for freedom.  Our founding fathers would be so disappointed if they could see our nation as it is now!

Supreme_CourtOur corrupt and America destroying officials have gone on the offensive as they realize that the majority of Americans are no longer buying this load of crap.  Part of their offensive plan has already started.  They need to regain numbers so that they can continue to stay in power and part of this plan is already in play. They have opened the borders and let millions of illegal aliens into our nation.  They will then push to grant everyone the right to vote.  Our laws have been broken yet no one has done anything to bring these criminals to justice.

How is it that our written laws are no longer worth the paper they’re written on?

How is it that our officials who have taken an oath to uphold our Constitution go unpunished when they have clearly violated it?

How is it that our government can target and threaten American citizens?

How is it that our veterans who have served their country are treated worse than illegal aliens?

How is that citizens of American can turn a blind eye to the destruction of our nation and way of life?

I for one I’m not turning a blind eye and I’m advocating for the first time in my life.  It’s truly a shame that I and others have to advocate for our freedoms and liberties.  The very same freedom and liberties our founding fathers put into law.  Over two hundred years ago our founding fathers knew a time would come when our rights as citizens of the United States would be in jeopardy.  I along with millions have become Patriots Rising.  A sleeping dragon has been awakened and we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Patriots Rising

Mentally Ill and Unstable

The mentally ill and unstable individuals need our help!  Unfortunately we do not have a system in place that can identify these individuals.  Why?  Because time travel and crystal balls are not currently available.  Judging or punishing individuals for future crimes is a slippery slope and if anyone saw the movie Minority Report they will agree.  So how do we stop the mentally ill from harming others?  That’s a very good question and I’m still waiting to hear a valid answer.

Even though we are unable to predict the future our politicians and lawmakers think they can create laws to safeguard us against the future.  Are you freakin’ kidding me!  So let’s review some of their ideas:

RaidWashington State is proposing a bill that would allow a Judge to confiscate your firearms if a family member or police officer feels you’re an extreme threat!  So the next time you have an argument with a family member they could simple pick up the phone and report you.  What if there’s no argument but they just don’t like firearms?  What if your neighbor feels unsafe with firearms in your home and decides to call the police and report you as a violent individual?

In New York a retired Firefighter got into an argument with his son over a washing machine and his wife called the police.  After everything was settled peacefully the police returned and confiscated his firearm collection.  Why?  Another man was seen by a doctor for depression and the doctor determined he was not a threat to himself or others but his firearms were confiscated.  These are only two stories that demonstrate our system is broke.  There are thousands of military veterans that are unable to own firearms because they were treated for PTSD.

SalemWitchTrialsWe can learn a lot from history.  If we, as a society decide to go down this slippery slope we will be opening a door that cannot be shut.  Does anyone remember the Salem witch hunts? During the Salem witch hunt hundreds of innocent people were put to death because a family member or neighbor thought they were a witch.  We look back at this time in history and ask ourselves how that could have happened?  Well folks, its beginning again and if we let it happen a hundred years from now they will be asking the same thing of us.

Yes, we have mentally ill and unstable individuals who want to harm others and yes they should be identified and treated but I ask you this:  Who determines this?  Is it a family member, relative, neighbor, police or the government?  Is it determined by your beliefs, a post, or hobbies?  Maybe your religious beliefs?

Why should we would stop at confiscating firearms.  If someone is truly mentally unstable and sets out to harm others why not confiscate knifes, hammers, matches, vehicles, etc, etc.  If someone is truly a threat to others they will find a weapon in anything they pick up.

We are a broken and scared society.  We let the fears of others override our better judgment.  We simply follow the masses.  A child makes an imaginary gun with his/her hand and they get suspended from school.  A group of boys are playing cops and robbers in their front yard and they get suspended. Why and how have we fallen so low that simple things you and I did as children are now reason for suspension?  Could these actions be determined to be signs of early mental illness?  Should we simple play it safe and commit all children that play with imaginary guns to a mental facility?

Let’s pull our heads out of our asses and say enough is enough!  Let’s not start another Salem witch hunt and let’s stop predicting the future.

Un-freakin believable!

Un-freakin believable!  Gun control group Coalition to Stop Gun Violence wants Fox News affiliate WTTF to fire Emily Miller, an investigative reporter.  They claim she violated journalistic ethics when she appeared and spoke at a rally on January 19th held by Virginia Citizens Defense League.  During Emily Miller’s speech she said that Washington, D.C. “is not part of America, because they don’t recognize the Second Amendment.”  I happen to agree with her and so do many American’s.

Citing the Society of Professional Journalists, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence asserts that Emily Miller did not “act independently” by avoiding “conflicts of interest, real or perceived.”  I’m sorry, but how many journalist out there have sided and voiced their opinion on Gun-control?  The list is long and filled with high profile Journalists from around the nation.  So my question is why haven’t they demanded that these other journalists be fired for violating their ethics?  I know, it’s a stupid question.  They are fine with a journalist who sides with their agenda and have absolutely no issues supporting  the spreading of their lies.

If Fox News caves to these demands I will have one less news source to follow.

Patriots Rising

Common Sense?

Common Sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge.

“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.”
-Robert G Ingersoll

here-lies-common-senseThese days the Federal Government and gun-control advocates are pushing “Common Sense Gun-Control”.  We have issues with their understanding of the term.  Many individuals may be extremely intelligent but lack the basic ability to comprehend the simplest concepts of reality.

So let’s explore some of the common sense proposals they have suggested in regards to gun-control.

  • Background checks for private transfers!
    • Have you ran a background check to make sure I’m legally able to own this firearm?  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning standard capacity magazine!
    • That’s a 30 round magazine… we can’t use that.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning or restricting concealed carry!
    • Make sure you have your concealed carry permit before we hold up that bank.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Gun Free Zones!
    • This sucks! It’s a gun free zone. We need to pick another victim rich environment.  Said no criminal EVER!
  • Banning Firearms!
    • If they ban firearms we won’t be able to get our hands on any.  Said no criminal EVER!

If you are unable to comprehend these examples then you my friend lack common sense and therefore forfeit your right to suggest any and all common sense gun-control laws.

I’m Offended…

PoliticalCorrectnessI’m offended!  No, actually I’m not but that statement covers most of the news articles we read today.  It takes a lot to get me offended since I’m comfortable with who I am and what I’ve done with my life.  I can’t even remember the last time I was offended.

Why am I ranting?  Well, I just read an article where A&E was telling Phil Robertson to lay off Jesus because he may offend Muslim’s.  There are so many examples, but this one about Phil Robertson set off this current rant your reading.  I apologize if I offend ANYONE with my rant.  Just kidding, I really don’t care……

Have we as a society fallen so far that we must analyze every word we speak before speaking them?  We are constantly told not to do that, or say this or wear that because it may offend someone or some group.  Are these people that insecure that words or actions can send them into a temper tantrum or is this just another “look at me” ploy?

Why can’t we have our own beliefs and forget for one moment the ridiculous and sometimes hilarious political correctness of today’s insane society.  Last time I checked we still have the First Amendment.  If you don’t like what you’re hearing or seeing leave.  It’s a free country, or at least at the present moment it is.  That may change over the next two years but for now let’s consider it free, for conversation sake.

Personally if you offend me I will go about my own business and probably never speak to you again.  Done deal. End of conversation. That’s the way it should be, but in today’s world it’s so complicated.  I’m sorry, it so politically correct.  It’s as if everyone has gone back to high school.  Actually, it’s like everyone has lost their @#$@ minds! Suck it up butter cup!

If you happen to be one of these people or belong to one of these groups you need to re-evaluate your existence and purpose in life.  Not everyone is going to like you and the faster you figure that out the healthier you will be.  You’ll have a heart-attack at 20 if you let what others say bother you.

As you have probably gathered Patriots Rising supports and defends a lot of hot topic items.  If you disagree we’re good with that and we won’t block you.  You have your opinion and it doesn’t have to agree with ours.  Now… if our posts upset you to a point your blood vessels are popping out of your neck we would suggest unliking our page.  Your health is much more important to us than your like.

So live long and prosper and lighten up world!

Advocate, Train and Educate!

We are winning the battle but it’s unlikely to end any time soon. As we continue to grow in numbers our opponents are regrouping and developing new strategies. What battle am I referring to you ask? The battle to protect and secure our Second Amendment rights!
Concealed carry permits are at an all time high. More women are becoming gun owners than any time in the past. Many states are writing laws to nullify Federal Gun Control laws and “Gun
Free Zones” are being questioned.

imageThe majority of American’s are realizing they are responsible for their own safety not the police or Government. We need to encourage, train and educate new shooters. Share the heritage of the sport and the self-protection benefits of firearms. Take your wife and kids to the range if you don’t already do so. Talk about the range at work. Most gunimage owners do not advertise that they are firearm enthusiasts but that needs to change; it’s a heritage, sport, hobby, and most of all self-protection. We need to be proud and advocate our life!

We always talk about the anti’s but never talk about the individuals who could care less about firearms. There are many Americans who have nimageo opinion about firearms. These are the people we can win over. You would be surprised what an hour at the range will do to a person who has never shot before.
Advocate, train and educate!


Hollywood Hypocrisy

201501190801_Boycott-HollywoodLet’s send a loud and clear message to Hollywood that we will no longer support their Hypocrisy!  Hollywood and celebrities who make millions from action films featuring guns has come to a head with actor Liam Neeson (paid 20 million for Taken 3).  In fact, his recent statements regarding gun-control in the United States has prompted gun manufacturer PARA USA to boycott all of the actor’s upcoming projects.  They have also asked others in the industry to do the same.  We truly hope they do, along with every American who supports the Second Amendment.  We work hard for our money so why would we give our hard earned money to people that actively attack our beliefs?  Would you write a check to a gun-control group like Moms Demand Action?  Of course not!  So, why do we give our money to these celebrities?  Can you image what would happen if every gun owner boycotted them?  It would definitely send a message!!