Tag Archives: Political Coorectness

I’m Offended…

PoliticalCorrectnessI’m offended!  No, actually I’m not but that statement covers most of the news articles we read today.  It takes a lot to get me offended since I’m comfortable with who I am and what I’ve done with my life.  I can’t even remember the last time I was offended.

Why am I ranting?  Well, I just read an article where A&E was telling Phil Robertson to lay off Jesus because he may offend Muslim’s.  There are so many examples, but this one about Phil Robertson set off this current rant your reading.  I apologize if I offend ANYONE with my rant.  Just kidding, I really don’t care……

Have we as a society fallen so far that we must analyze every word we speak before speaking them?  We are constantly told not to do that, or say this or wear that because it may offend someone or some group.  Are these people that insecure that words or actions can send them into a temper tantrum or is this just another “look at me” ploy?

Why can’t we have our own beliefs and forget for one moment the ridiculous and sometimes hilarious political correctness of today’s insane society.  Last time I checked we still have the First Amendment.  If you don’t like what you’re hearing or seeing leave.  It’s a free country, or at least at the present moment it is.  That may change over the next two years but for now let’s consider it free, for conversation sake.

Personally if you offend me I will go about my own business and probably never speak to you again.  Done deal. End of conversation. That’s the way it should be, but in today’s world it’s so complicated.  I’m sorry, it so politically correct.  It’s as if everyone has gone back to high school.  Actually, it’s like everyone has lost their @#$@ minds! Suck it up butter cup!

If you happen to be one of these people or belong to one of these groups you need to re-evaluate your existence and purpose in life.  Not everyone is going to like you and the faster you figure that out the healthier you will be.  You’ll have a heart-attack at 20 if you let what others say bother you.

As you have probably gathered Patriots Rising supports and defends a lot of hot topic items.  If you disagree we’re good with that and we won’t block you.  You have your opinion and it doesn’t have to agree with ours.  Now… if our posts upset you to a point your blood vessels are popping out of your neck we would suggest unliking our page.  Your health is much more important to us than your like.

So live long and prosper and lighten up world!