Tag Archives: Constitution

The Awakening: What Is Government

What is government?  

America is divided and it’s all due to our political elite.  Yes, they have created a monster they cannot tame nor cage.  It’s a monster of biblical proportions and it’s feeding on American values and our way of life.  The monster we’re talking about is big government.  Our government was never intended to lead the American people.  It was intended to protect and safeguard against foreign and domestic enemies but today we have a government that’s feeding off the people.  How many departments and agencies does the government run?  The government has two jobs and those two jobs are safeguarding our Nation and our Constitution.  The government has failed at both.  So how does a failed government continue to grow into this beast we have now?  It grows because political elites have tasted power and they will do anything to maintain it.

The Constitution of the United States limits the power of government, not the people.  It’s the people that govern the government but they have forgotten this.

ProtestEvery single political pundit out there wonders how a real estate mogul has taken control of their political circus.  It is disturbing that they wonder and this shows exactly how ignorant they are.  The reason is crystal clear but yet they seem baffled.  Their world has turned upside down and they have no clue how to fix it.  In our opinion, it’s beyond fixing.  We have given the political elite several opportunities to resolve this mess but they have ignored us.  They have forgotten we have the power and not them.  If only they would have listened in 2014 when we yelled our discontent at the top of our lungs.  If they would have listened, many of them would not be finding themselves backed into a corner now.

Rumors are spreading that the establishment will take necessary steps to ensure an establishment puppet is nominated.  We hope these are only rumors.  We can’t imagine the level of stupidity if this comes to pass.  If and we must stress “if” the establishment hijacks the 2016 Presidential race the people will rise up.  This is not a threat.  It’s a promise.  They have no idea what a shit storm this act will cause.  Our fear is that they truly believe they control our political system and if they do control it, what are our chances of being thrown into another civil war?  We believe the people and the states will have no part in this and will rise up against oppression and tyranny.

As we move closer and closer to November we must step back and evaluate what could be.  The Democrats have the worst candidates.  Period.  The Republicans had a list longer than my arm and most have dropped out.  Do we have the best candidates?  No.  We’ll never see the perfect candidate.  With that said, we have who we have and we must vote for whoever runs against Hillary or Bernie; and after last night’s primaries we have no doubt it will be Hillary.

Some people swear they will never vote for Trump, others say they won’t vote at all.  Really!  Seriously people, is Trump really worse than Hillary?  Will you really jeopardize your nation because you dislike a candidate?  We will never have the perfect candidate and if we do it will be an illusion.

Before we end this rant we would like you to research european nations.  Why?  You need to research them because the policies they have are the same policies Hillary and Bernie want to implement here in the United States.  European nations are failing at a staggering rate.  Poverty, crime and chaos has taken over the daily lives of europeans and their governments are completely oblivious.  Since the dawn of time we have wished we could see the future.  Surprisingly, we have that capability.  It’s called Europe!  What’s happening there will happen here if Liberals retain control of the White House.

2016 will decide our fate.  Will we survive and rebuild what’s been lost or will we crumble like so many nations before us?  The fate of our nation is truly in your hands.  What will you do?


In the United States we have Constitution that was written by the people, for the people. It is the law of the land. Our government has three branches that police the actions of the other two. This is one of many safeguards put in place by the people, for the people.

What happens when this system of checks and balances breaks down? You have lawlessness. Laws are placed on the populace to keep honest people honest, and to punish those who can not and will not follow the law. No law in existence will stop a criminal. If you break the law you will be punished. So what happens when our elected officials break the law? The system that punishes them is the very system they control. Is this not a conflict of interest? The people have the right to punish any elected official that breaks their oath of office. After all, don’t they work for us?

History of the Second Amendment

The purpose of the article is to give you a condensed but fact filled overview of why our Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in our Constitution. It’s fairly long but if you don’t now the history it’s a good read.

StormHorizonA storm is building off the horizon and will be upon us before we realize it. The storm has been building strength for years as our rights as Americans have been under attack by our elected officials. The only thing protecting these rights have been a couple pieces of old paper known as the Constitution of the United States. It was drafted in 1787 and ratified by the states in 1788, it was then followed by the first ten amendments, otherwise known as The Bill of Rights in 1791. One would think these documents which govern our nation would be held to the highest level of regard but as we know, they are not. If the laws they contained were as protected as the National Archive protects the actual documents we’d be in good shape.

Drafting these documents was not an easy task and many hurdles threatened the successful completion of the Constitution of the United States. How they actually completed the task they set out to do is a miracle and a story we’ll cover later.

2A_ConstitutionThe Second Amendment is the thorn in the side of tyranny. It’s meaning has been debated, twisted and misinterpreted for years and will be for years to come if we do not remove the traitorous scum who threaten it. Why it’s debated is a long story of control, tyranny and power. The British did not want our early colonialist to have arms. In fact they attempted to confiscate them. The British loved taxes, much like our current government does. The colonialist were weary of taxes, just as we are. As a result of taxes and tariffs the colonialist started talking, planning and that of course led to the Revolution. You may think you know the story from here but I doubt it. We study history in our schools but much of the story has been truncated, twisted and is made up. It has morphed into a fictional tale.

The people that fought in the revolution were farmers, merchants, business men. They were a militia, a group of non-professional fighters, citizens of the state they resided in. The British of course had a strong and powerful Standing Army. The most powerful army on the face of the planet. Yet a group of ordinary citizens, known as the militia banded together for a cause, a purpose and an end goal. That goal was freedom from a tyrannical government set on taxing the colonialists into extinction.

We all know the outcome of the war so we will move on to the years following. From 1781 to 1787 the law of the land was governed by a document known as the Articles of Confederation. These articles were actually drafted in 1777 but we’re not ratified by the states until 1781. The years after the war were tough, our economy was in ruin, the United States had massive debt as a result of the war. Each state was printing its own paper money, inflation was through the roof. The states were not working together and in fact they were working against each other. It was not a great time to be an American. As a result of these dark times a group of individuals wanted to make changes. Change is a difficult beast and is fought against with passion, yet in 1787 twelve of thirteen states got together to discuss and draft what we now know as the Constitution of the United States. They called this meeting the Constitutional Convention and 55 state delegates from twelve states gathered in Pennsylvania for four months. Rhode Island boycotted the Convention because the first draft did not include a Bill of Rights.

You may remember the revolution was a war between a militia and a standing army. A standing army was debated during the Convention of 1787 but the thought of a standing army controlled by a central government did not sit well with the states. George Washington was a strong supporter of a standing army which he continued to push during his Presidency. Needless to say a standing army controlled by a government and could be used against the states did not gain much support. They then discussed the states militia which is composed of able bodied men of the states. Part of this discussion suggested the government could supply and equip these men with arms in the event they were called upon again. On the surface this sounded like a reasonable responsibility of the government until they realized a government could withhold needed arms in times of tyrannical rule. After much discussion and debate the states could not support this recommendation and it become another side note of history. The fear of a powerful central government was in fact a major obstacle when drafting the Constitution. The states did not want anything to do with a central government and therefore wrote into the Constitution specific guidelines and limitation on the power the government would have. During the Convention, the lack of a Bill of Rights, which would further limit the powers of a central government continued to side track the debate but by some miracle the Convention continued. It must be mentioned that our Constitution had many roadblocks. We had issues with equal representation of the states, how the government would function, and even how many Executors would run the government. Yes, there were some that wanted multiple presidents so one person did not have a tyrannical hold on the government. It was decided that Congress would hold the power and the President would only uphold the laws of the Constitution. Yet with all the road blocks it managed to continue and finally complete.

Knowing these facts we can take another look at our Second Amendment as it was envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  • Beginning with the most obvious fact. The Second Amendments appears in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was written for the people and are the unalienable rights of every citizen. It was not written for the government. It was specifically written to keep the government from effing with them. Period.
  • A well regulated Militia: The Militia without a doubt was every able bodied man of the state. If they intended that only the Army had arms they would have stated “A well regulated Standing Army”. The term “standing army” was consistently used when discussing an army controlled, financed and supported by the government.The states feared a central government would jeopardize and encroach on their rights as a state and would eventually impose tyrannical rule over them. That is why they did not want a Standing Army or have the central government issue arms to the people (militia). Therefore we have “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”
  • “The right of the people to keep and bear arms” is self explanatory, with no confusing parts that can be twisted and distorted.
  • Finally we have. “Shall not be infringed”. Wow, there’s no question what that statement says, or implies.

Knowing history and knowing what our Founding Fathers wanted in a limited government puts the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in a new light. It is unquestionable what the Second Amendment means. Anyone in a position of power will have the urge from time to time to abuse their power. We know it and our Founding Fathers knew it. When we start questioning the meaning of the Constitution and Bill of Rights we dishonor the men and woman who have died protecting it. If you have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic you must, without question honor that oath. If you do not, you are in fact an enemy of the United States of America.