

Here’s a sobering thought and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Evil exists! It’s all around us. Just watch the evening news and you’ll see evil everywhere. We have an evil problem……So what. We’ve had evil since time began and we’ll have it long after we’re gone. There is no utopia. At times life sucks. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to look at the government for protection?

Let’s look at EVIL, shall we. A complete nation, yes our nation has determined ISIS is evil. No doubt what so ever. What has our loving, caring and providing government done about it? Waiting…

How about the evil that attacked our embassy in Benghazi? Did the government know it would be attacked? Did we do anything to protect them? Waiting…

How many criminals have entered our nation from our “secure” borders? What has the government done other than creating sanctuary cities? Waiting…

How about giving illegal guns to the evil across our “secure” border? Didn’t Americans die as a result? How did that protect us? Waiting…

How many evil people have been given pardons from prison by our government. How is this protecting us? Waiting…

How about Iran… Do we even need to go there? We’re handing nuclear weapons to a terrorist state that chants “Death to America”. How is this even possible? How is this protecting us? Waiting…

Let’s take a look at the evils of gun violence. What’s our governments solution? Ban and restrict firearms from law abiding citizens. The same citizens that use them for PROTECTION. Are you seeing a pattern?

Sure let’s just ask every law-abiding citizen to register and turn in their firearms so we can rely on our government for protection. Not going to happen!!! Bad sh*t is going to happen, there’s no way around it and you can not eliminate or wish it away. Be PREPARED.

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