The agreement that our Bill of Rights is out dated and needs to be re-written or abandoned is a ridiculous argument. The Bill of Rights was written specifically to limit government abuses on the people. Most everyone that has issues with the Bill of Rights are gun-control advocates and they will always argue that the founding fathers never intended for the people to carry rocket launchers or some other form of military hardware. Unfortunately for them that is exactly what they intended. Our founding fathers were very concerned about government powers over the people, they did not want the government to be more powerful than the people, hence the Second Amendment. Every one of the first Ten Amendments was written specifically to limit government power with the Second Amendment being the doomsday provision for when the government goes off the reservation. So the next time a gun-control advocate tells you the Second Amendment is dated and needs to be rewritten or abolished you can tell them it’s still very much relevant. If fact it may be more relevant today than it was when it was written.
All posts by Patriots Rising
Unalienable Rights
To preserve liberty
Reenacting the France Terror Attacks
Recently a Texas pro-gun group ran several simulations of the events that took place during the terrorist attacks to see if armed victims (Good guy with guy) could have made a difference. The first article (see below) mentioned that all but one simulation showed all victims would have died but they do not elaborate on the one. They simply ignore and never mention it again. I find it odd that they do not go into details about the one simulation but it’s all good. The article also fails to mention how many simulations were run.
The second article (see below) goes into more detail about the simulations and is a much better article on the Texas pro-gun group’s simulations.
Even if ALL simulations failed to change the outcome the major point of this exercise was missed. If I’m going to die I would rather die fighting for my life rather than beg for it. Being armed doesn’t mean you’re invincible, it just means you’ll go down fighting
Man is not free unless government is limited
Those who have long enjoyed such privileges
I have no idea how anti-gun advocates think
The other day I read an article that was so far from the truth I figured it was a joke, maybe April’s Fools. Nope. It was one authors spin on guns in American and how the carnage in France would have been much worse if the radical Islamic terrorist would have hit here in United States. The author somehow thinks law abiding American’s who carry guns and ARMED police officers would have made the situation worse. You know… it would have for the cowardly terrorist who attacked unarmed civilians. But of course that’s not what the author was claiming. In his mind he truly believes the innocent death toll would have been much higher!
Let’s for one moment imagine the horrific attacks in France took place here in the United States. Our police are ARMED! Many of our citizens are ARMED. Three French police officers ran for their lives because they were unarmed and unable to stop the terrorist. Even if none of the victims in the office were armed the situation would probably have ended on the street when three ARMED police officers confronted them.
I then decided to address my concerns in the comments area of the article and was instantly attacked from all sides. They swarmed in like a pack of wild dogs. My attackers even compared pro-2A advocates to the terrorist. Unbelievable!
I have no idea how anti-gun advocates think. I’ve been giving them too much credit and thinking they were reasonable and rational thinking people. My bad. They go through life with blinders and hate everyone and everything associated with firearms. They preach they only want common-sense gun laws but unlike them I realize people with no common-sense cannot develop these laws. If anyone approaches you about common-sense gun laws know straight up they want a complete ban on firearms. They will not be happy until every red-blooded American is dis-armed and a defenseless victim.
The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision
“The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed — where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.”
– Justice Alex Kozinski
The Constitution preserves
The Constitution of most of our states
“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of press.”
-Thomas Jefferson