Category Archives: Rants

Blame Game

Liberalville, USA is a utopia to some and hell on earth to others.  Liberalville is where the minority dictates policies to the majority.  Why?  It’s simple… WE LET THEM!!!

In Liberalville we place blame on inanimate objects, organizations and groups we have deemed extreme.  You might be an extremist if you love traditional American values.  We never, ever blame individuals because that would be wrong and hateful.  We don’t know  what circumstance caused that nut job to kill innocent people, so we cannot judge them because that would be insensitive; so instead we blame the object and/or organization.  In cases of shootings we always blame the gun and of course the NRA.  Why, because we can and mainstream media just loves the blame game.

PrisonIt’s much easier to play the blame game than to fix the issue.  Yes, our liberal friends would suggest we can fix the gun violence issue by banning firearms.  Really, what would this do?  It would take firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens and make them defenseless victims for our criminals.  So what would we suggest?  Obviously we have some ideas or we wouldn’t be wasting our time writing this.  One solution to our gun violence would be to really punish those who commit crimes with firearms.  Novel idea!  We do have laws and  punishments for criminals who engage in criminal activity.  Do those punishments really discourage bad mojo?  No, the reward is far greater than the risk.  Therefore, crime pays and pays big.  We must make the risk of being caught committing a crime scary;  scary enough so they think twice.  This will greatly reduce gun violence by scaring them straight.  Will we still have violence?  Yes, not everyone will be afraid of the punishment.  There you have it!  It’s one of the simplest solutions out there.  But wait, this would involve placing blame and punishing an individual.  We can’t have any of that now can we?  Here’s where we run into issues; Liberalville will continue blaming objects.

PsychoGun violence due to criminal activity is easy, we just covered it and it makes perfect sense.  That leaves us with the mentally ill and unstable.  How do we deal with gun violence as a result of a mentally unstable person going postal (is that politically correct?) on a crowd of innocents?  Here is where we run into the absurd ideas of our friends living in Liberalville.  They suggest we ban anyone that has ever taken medication or seen a medical professional for depression from owning firearms.  They even suggest individuals that can’t manage their own finances be banned from owning firearms.  This of course isn’t to prevent random acts of violence but rather infringe on the largest number of citizens possible.  It won’t solve anything but it does achieve their goal.  Yes folks, a total ban on firearms is their end game.  Don’t let them tell you differently.  Guns bad!  People owning guns, bad!  The mere mention of the word “gun” in Liberalville causes its residence to foam at the mouth and have eye twitches.  If you get this reaction from the mere mention of “gun”, how can you expect to have a constructive discussion on solving the issue?  You can’t.  Trying to prevent an act of violence before it happens is ridiculous, it can’t be done.  So what’s the solution?  I have no idea and honestly no one has a clue.  Maybe we can rely on family and friends to identify persons on the edge.  Maybe, but what’s to say that family member or friend is being honest? Maybe they’re seeking revenge or maybe it’s an ex-spouse.  Has anyone ever heard of an ex-spouse making up stories to get revenge?  I didn’t think so, never happens.  Now let’s take a look at the person that determines someone is dangerous to themselves and others.  What’s their agenda?  Will they be non-biased?  Maybe we’ll put together a medical panel to review every person at risk.  That could work but where are the guidelines?  We simply cannot predict the future and once we start punishing people for something they haven’t done we can never go back.  It’s a very slippery slope, one that might cause more problems than it is able to solve.



Here’s a sobering thought and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Evil exists! It’s all around us. Just watch the evening news and you’ll see evil everywhere. We have an evil problem……So what. We’ve had evil since time began and we’ll have it long after we’re gone. There is no utopia. At times life sucks. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to look at the government for protection?

Let’s look at EVIL, shall we. A complete nation, yes our nation has determined ISIS is evil. No doubt what so ever. What has our loving, caring and providing government done about it? Waiting…

How about the evil that attacked our embassy in Benghazi? Did the government know it would be attacked? Did we do anything to protect them? Waiting…

How many criminals have entered our nation from our “secure” borders? What has the government done other than creating sanctuary cities? Waiting…

How about giving illegal guns to the evil across our “secure” border? Didn’t Americans die as a result? How did that protect us? Waiting…

How many evil people have been given pardons from prison by our government. How is this protecting us? Waiting…

How about Iran… Do we even need to go there? We’re handing nuclear weapons to a terrorist state that chants “Death to America”. How is this even possible? How is this protecting us? Waiting…

Let’s take a look at the evils of gun violence. What’s our governments solution? Ban and restrict firearms from law abiding citizens. The same citizens that use them for PROTECTION. Are you seeing a pattern?

Sure let’s just ask every law-abiding citizen to register and turn in their firearms so we can rely on our government for protection. Not going to happen!!! Bad sh*t is going to happen, there’s no way around it and you can not eliminate or wish it away. Be PREPARED.

Universal Background Checks


The thought processes of our gun-control advocates are confusing and at times bat shit crazy. We’ve all heard their cries for universal background checks……”If it only saves one life!!!” Whatever. Go preach to someone that believes your line of BS! Background checks will not work. Bad guys do not abide by our laws, which is why we call them criminals.

So, let’s say for the sake of argument that universal background checks will reduce gun violence; even if it saves one life! I’m all for responsible gun ownership and I would never sell a gun to a bad guy or mentally unstable person, even if I needed the money to buy food for my family. Let’s review some of the steps needed for a background check before we move on: The only way to run a background check is to drive to a FFL or a police station. This takes valuable time out of your schedule and it also costs money. Two strikes already and we just got started. Who wants to drive to an FFL or police station? Who wants to pay the $25, $50 or more transfer fee? I’m thinking not that many will.

Here’s a suggestion

  1. Place NICS on the internet
  2. Allow unrestricted access
  3. Do not charge a fee
  4. Print out a confirmation page that you have submitted and passed a background check with your name and date.
  5. The seller would retain the confirmation page for their records.
  6. Seller and buyer are happy and we can have universal background checks to shut up the gun-control groups.

Would a system like this work? Of course it would, but it will never happen. It will never happen because gun-control advocates do not really want a background check; they want to make the lives of gun owners miserable and they want to ban guns. They cry for background checks today and once they have achieved that, they will begin to cry for something else.

Responsible gun owners are responsible. Criminal gun owners are criminals. It is truly that simple.



Have you all seen the crazy crap going on in Ferguson? Do these people really think we believe they’re protesting injustice, racism, and police brutality? Give me an effing break! These people are rioting because they have this uncontrollable urge to cause chaos, destruction and misery. They are nothing more than rabid animals. Then lets add Al Sharpton to the circus, what a civic leader! What a shinning example to our youth! He’s truly a gift from God. If you believe that, then you will also believe it when I tell you Obama will resign next week. Maybe after the riots are over Al Sharpton will be invited to the White House for a celebratory cocktail. Wouldn’t that just be lovely?

How have we come to this? One possible answer is our leadership in this country. How can you have peace and prosperity when the leadership continues to throw fuel on racial issues? How many times in the past 7 years has race be on the news? How many times did you hear about race before 2008? Our leadership has successfully divided our nation. Its a whopping accomplishment. They have destroyed 50 years of progress in a very short time period.

Why have we allowed this? We haven’t!!! We the people have not endorsed this agenda and that’s why Donald Trump has taken the GOP by storm. The majority of Americans see through the lies and propaganda. We have not drank the kool-aid. We are the peaceful, responsible people that go to work, do our job and then go home to enjoy our evenings with our family. We manage our time, money and responsibilities. We do not want big government. We do not want government hand outs. We want nothing more than to be left alone. We live life and treat others the way we would like to be treated. We are AMERICANS.

There is however a line, a very fine line that will break under the stress of tyranny and you better pray to god your on the right side. Americans can only take so much and at this point the line is stretched beyond its limits. As we continue to manage our lives during these dark years we must keep in mind that Americans have never let our country down. We have always risen when it’s been the darkest. We will prevail and reclaim our nation. What side will you be on?


FingerPrintDo we have laws to keep people from being criminals or do we have laws to punish criminals?  The answer may seem obvious, but it isn’t.  If laws keep people from being criminals then why do we have criminals?  Could more laws reduce the number of criminals we have?  Of course they won’t.   Criminals will never abide by the law, which is why we call them criminals.  Seems pretty simple, no explanation needed.  So, explain to me why politicians continue to add laws that they know will do absolutely nothing?   The answer to that question is simple; they want to limit the rights of law abiding citizens.  Do you think criminals will not carry if the state they reside in restricts that Right?  Of course not.  They will continue to carry while law abiding citizens are turned into helpless victims.  I can go on and on about this but I really think we get the idea.  Criminals do not follow laws.  Criminals break laws, which is why they are CRIMINALS.

Jade Helm

It’s been 13 days since Operation Jade Helm started and it’s been pretty quiet in the south. We had all kinds of conspiracy theories about martial law and a government takeover. All of which were based on previous actions of our government. We do not find the conspiracy theories disturbing, we find the constant criticism of Americans by mainstream media to be disturbing. This reason alone should show how out of touch and blind these organizations are. Can you name one thing the government has done over the past several years that would warrant our trust? I can name countless things that would justify our paranoia. I do wish we lived in a time and place where we as American citizens could trust the actions of those we elected.

The fact that so many Americans distrust our government is frightening. We are not a small minority, we are the vast majority. What does this say? It says were in deep shit. What government in their right mind would incite race riots? What government in their right mind would financially target its own citizens? What government in their right mind would leave Americans defenseless in one of our Embassies? What government in their right mind would spy on its own citizens? What government in their right mind would spend trillions of dollars we do not have? What government in their right mind would make a nuclear deal with Iran?

This is why the American people no longer trust our government. This is why Jade Helm frightened the majority of the south and many throughout the U.S. Americans need a trustworthy government. Americans need a smaller, less intrusive government. Americans need a Constitutional based government. Where would we be if our Founding Fathers decided a Constitution was not needed? We would be slaves to the system. The only thing keeping everything in check is our Constitution, without it we would be subjects of a monarchy.


This post is to every 2016 Presidential Candidate and the mainstream media.

corrupt-politiciansAre you blind or just stupid??? America is sick and tired of the lies, corruption and deceit that has become our government.  Elected officials say and do anything to get elected and then they climb upon their throne and look down on the people that put them there.  In November we had our mid-term elections and I would say without doubt the American people spoke loud and clear.  Did you listen?  No!!!  They voted for candidates that swore they would change Washington DC.  Do you want to know something?  They haven’t done shit.  They lied their way into office and now they are sitting on their thrones laughing at the American people.  We’re sick of it.

Do you want to know why Donald Trump is taking this Presidential Campaign by storm?  You should and you should listen very, very carefully.  Donald Trump is saying exactly what the American people are thinking.  He is hitting a nerve and frankly you can’t stand it.  Everyone insists his campaign is a joke but why does he fill convention centers and tops every poll?  Think about what he is saying and forget about your political careers because they are over unless you listen.  Listen to the people.  We have spoken and the candidate that has heard our voices will be the next president.  At this time it is too early to side with one candidate so you still have a chance.  I will warn you that we are tired of the lip service and we will know when your feeding us a line of shit.  Sit back and re-evaluate what’s important to you and what’s important to this country.  We the people do not want a politician in the White House.

Americans have awakened from their sleep and we are pissed!  We want our freedoms and liberties back and we want every single career politician fired!

The Year Was 1933

The year was 1933 and Nazism had taken control over Germany.  In an act of state censorship the Office for Press and Propaganda of the German Student Union proclaimed a nationwide “Action against the Un-German Spirit”.  On May 10, 1933, over 25,000 volumes of books deemed offensive to Nazism were burned.  It is now considered one of our darkest hours in world history.

The year was 2015 and liberalism had taken control over the United States.  In an act of state censorship the Confederate flag was removed and banned across the country.  Citizens in a state of mass hysteria called for the removal and destruction of monuments, images and even television shows that feature the offensive image.  When the taste of victory hit the liberal mob, cries to ban the national flag of the United State could be heard.  The mob fueled by the mainstream media fed into the mass hysteria and at this time the end is no where in sight.  How will future generation look upon this act of censorship?

You Want It? Come and take!

Gun confiscation is the true end goal of Democrats and liberals around the country!  It’s a fact that they continuously push gun-control even when they know it will not make a difference.  They love saying we don’t want to take your guns but you and I know that that’s the holy grail of gun control supporters.

Last week the liberals had several huge wins.  The SCOTUS ruled in favor of ObamaCare and gay marriage.  We also had them rally behind the banning of the Confederate flag.  We now have the crazy lot wanting to destroy national monuments because they are racist.  Please.  Liberals have fanned the racist card way too often.  If they truly want to see what a racist is they should look into a mirror.  This brings us to our rant.

MolonLabe-02The gun-control narrative is getting old.  Do you want to ban guns?  Do you want to confiscate guns?  Do you want to completely eradicate guns from our society?  Do you want the Southern states to secede? What about the mid-western states?  Stop tip toeing around your end goals.  Do you truly want a civil war?  This slow and unrelenting attack on our freedoms grows tiresome.  We have been passive for way to long and if you truly want to test our resolve go ahead and ban guns!  Let’s get this over with now and forever.

Sacred Union of Marriage

The sacred union of marriage was not hi-jacked by the government today,  that happened years ago when the government turned marriage into a financial contract between two people.  In our society today it seems that marriage is no more than a piece of paper, a license you receive from your local courthouse.
We must remember what marriage really is and not what it has been turned into.  It’s the love between a man and woman who have committed their lives to each other.  The only union that will give birth to the next generation of freedom loving Americans.