On this road trip of insanity, we must follow through to make sure we remove all references to all things that offend. Why stop at the Confederate flag and Civil War monuments? Let’s ban all images of George Washington, he owned slaves. As a matter of fact, most of our founding fathers owned slaves. What about the crimes against the Native Americans? What about the Japanese-American citizens we placed in internment camps? Where do you stop?
History is filled with good and bad and it can’t be changed or censored! Any and all corporations, politicians and media outlets that have supported this witch hunt are disgraceful!!
Category Archives: Rants
One week ago a lone, deranged and mentally ill person attacked a church and killed people. Rather than mourning those that were lost and coming up with an actual game plan to address these types of deranged individuals we completely freak the hell out. A flag that has been part of our history for over one hundred years is banned, removed and merchants refuse to sell it. We call for gun control laws that have done nothing and will do nothing to stop future events. We have politicians repeating the same statements over and over because they are incapable of original thought. The Pope calls anyone associated with weapons hypocrites. We have journalists and politicians fueling the fire of hatred. We have given the shooter exactly what they wanted………mayhem, disbelief, hatred…….
To our leaders…..I hope you’re proud of what we have become. I’m embarrassed beyond belief and to many of us you are a disgrace! Please stand for something and stop following the mob.
Confederate Flag
Divide and Conquer or Racism?
Over the past couple of years, possibly a little longer we have seen the resurrection of racism. Now, when I say a resurrection I mean from a national stand point and not from an individual stand point. I honestly believe we’ll always have some form of racism and that’s a shame because we are better than that. We’ll have the KKK, skin heads and the Black Panthers or some similar groups but what we’re seeing today is completely different. What we’re seeing today is being fueled by our elected officials. Our elected officials have set out to divide our nation, to divide and conquer, to divide and rule the ruins. Why? I think the more important question is why are we letting them?
I would like to venture out on the limb and say we do not have a racism problem in our nation. We have a leadership problem in our nation. Our elected officials have created this illusion of racism and so many in this great nation of ours have fallen for it. We see protest signs that read “Black Lives Matter”, “Black Power”, “Stop Killing Blacks” and so on. What about the school in Portland, OR that sent their entire staff to diversity training because a teacher used “sandwich” as a learning example. Yes, the word “sandwich” is now racist. If you don’t like a type of food you are racist. Didn’t we elect our first African American President? It’s surprising that the very person that is in a position to say racism in America is getting better, I am proof that we have made big strides in reducing the amount of racism in this country but instead, this is the individual that is digging it up from the past. Why would the person that accomplished so much by becoming the first African American President sabotage his legacy? I do not have the answer but I do know some people thrive on misery and turmoil. Could this be the reason? Maybe, but only his family and close associates will know the real reason.
Top officials in our government and our so-called civic leaders are pushing this bullshit in cities around the nation. They are playing with American lives and we’re letting them. How many times did you hear about racism 10 years ago? I’ll bet not that often. Today that’s all we hear, it’s all we talk about. If you disagree with someone you’re a racist. If you don’t like a certain type of food you’re a racist. If you walk down one side of the street and not the other you’re a racist. Please! How many times in the last week have you heard Black lives matter, black power, stop killing blacks? I know, probably more than you can count. How many violent protests have taken place in the name of racism? How many did you see ten years ago? Today the term racist is used when liberals are unable to carry on an intellectual conversation, or if you disagree with them. Why are some people letting the political elite play them for a bunch of fools? It makes absolutely no sense!
The very same political elite are also calling American loving, flag wavers extremists. They cannot understand or comprehend people that love this country and the freedoms it offers. They want to control everyone and everything around them and patriotic Americans are fighting them. They do not want any part of this perfect utopia of “government provides all” agenda that the liberals have dreamed up and it drives them crazy that we freedom lovin’ Americans want absolutely no part of it! Therefore, now we are the extremists. So America is now full of racists and extremists? I think not. Nothing about the American people have changed. What has changed are the corrupt, power hungry politicians that want to transform American into a government controlled utopia.
Your neighbor is most likely no more a racist or extremist than you are. Joe blow down the road is not a racist, he’s just smarter than his liberal neighbor, which makes him a racist or extremist. The default attack plan of all liberals is name calling. If you’re called a name by a liberal don’t take it too seriously, in fact take it as a compliment. It’s their way of telling you that you’re smarter than them and they do not have the intellectual capability to carry on the conversation.
So the next time you hear a person calling someone a racist or extremist take a closer look at who’s saying it. Chances are high that they’re a liberal with absolutely no clue. Simply smile at them and walk away.
Education not Legislation
This is not the first article that we have written concerning firearm training and it most certainly will not be the last.
There is one thing education, training and practice cannot safeguard against and that’s complacency. As a general rule complacency will target (no pun intended) the most knowledgeable and trained firearm owner; which means complacency can be more dangerous than ignorance. ALWAYS assume that the firearm you are handling is loaded and ready to fire. Unfortunately many of the “incidents” that we hear about with a seasoned firearm owner all boils down to not taking the few seconds to ensure that the firearm is not loaded before proceeding. Which is yes, complacency. A good example of this could be the individual that always unloads their weapon before placing it in the safe. One day they remove said firearm and do not take the time to double check that the firearm is unloaded…….I don’t think I need to go on.
Children and firearms can be a deadly combination but it doesn’t have to be. The deadly combination just boils down to a firearm and a child that has not been educated on how to respect and handle that firearm. To a child that has never been around a firearm, finding an unsecured firearm is going to invoke all sorts of curiosity. They are going to want to touch it, pick it up and try to figure out how it works. An educated child is going to come across that unsecured firearm and realize that they should not touch it and go find an adult to let them know what they found………crisis averted, see how wonderful education can be! Proper education and training will save more lives than any law our politicians can dream up; but even this will not stop the gun-grabbers from making up statistics. If you remove “gun” from “gun control” you will understand why they are spending so much money and making up so many lies to restrict our Second Amendment Rights.
A vast majority of firearm owners enjoy shooting as a hobby, sport, career, and hunting. For these individuals firearms are a part of their life and their family’s life. Firearm education and safety started at a very early age and has been handed down like a family heirloom. Then we have the firearm owners that purchased a firearm for self-protection, usually from a knee-jerk reaction to something that happened in their community and these folks now would like to protect themselves and their families. These folks learned the basics from the gun shop, then took the firearm home and placed it in a dark corner of their closet, thinking they would retrieve it when they need to protect themselves, family and property. This is a disaster waiting to happen. There are many possible outcomes and none are particularly favorable. No one knows the firearm is in your closet. No one in your home is familiar with it. No one knows how to operate it. Does it have a safety? Is there a round in the chamber? How do I reload and where the extra ammunition? What’s a proper sight picture? If you purchased a firearm solely for self-protection, you owe it to yourself and your family to be educated and trained on its use. You need to make regular trips to the gun range to become familiar with it and then you must educate and train your family members; only then will you be able to successfully use the firearm for self-protection.
Gun Safety – Education not Legislation!
Our children will inherit the world
Our children will inherit the world! Do you know what they are being taught?
Liberals have taken over our schools and are dictating how they learn, what they learn and even what they eat. Our children are being sculpted and molded to be sheep, followers, and brainless drones. It may come as a shock that the very future of America and it’s citizens are being manipulated today in our schools. The plan is truly ingenious and what better way to transform America than to start with the very people that will inherit it. It’s our job as parents to teach our children right from wrong but we have willingly handed this role over to strangers.
Do you really know what values and principles our schools are teaching? Would you ever teach your children to boycott, burn or stomp on our national flag? Of course not, but that’s exactly what’s happening today all across America! Who taught our children this was acceptable? Do your children say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning? I doubt it. I can remember we did it every morning. Why are schools banning patriotic apparel? Why do our children get suspended for playing with imaginary guns? We had shooting clubs when we were in school. Why aren’t we teaching our children that it’s great being number one? Winners make it in the world and losers go nowhere. Our schools are teaching our children that everyone’s a winner, that bullshit! Only dedicated, committed individuals are winners. Do our schools teach our children The Constitution of the United States? Do they teach that our Founding Fathers were patriots that fought and died for the freedoms and liberties we are willingly giving up today?
We as Americans have lost what it means to be Americans! We should be ashamed of the legacy we are handing to our children. Maybe, just maybe, we can teach our children how to be Americans so they can fight for the very freedoms we willingly forfeited.
What are you afraid of?
I recently read an article about New Hampshire’s push to abolish their concealed carry license and of course I read some of the comments. The comments at the end of the article didn’t surprise me at all, some thought the idea was good and others thought it wasn’t. Although none of the questions surprised me, I did notice a question that I’ve seen thousands of times. The comment was posted by a gun control supporter that questioned why anyone would need to carry in an urban environment and they ended with “what are you afraid of”? I’m sure you have all seen the same question posted on thousands of sites. I’m not sure what made me focus on this one instance but I did. I found it odd that a person could ask the question. So I ask you the following in an attempt to understand why thousands of people feel that carrying in an urban environment is not needed.
How many mass shootings have happened in the backcountry? How many have taken place floating down a river or creek on an inner tube? When was the last time you read an article about ranch hands being gunned down in their barn? Yes I carry in the back country and yes I carry in urban environments. I carry in the backcountry to protect myself and my family against wild animals. I carry in urban areas to protect myself and my family from human animals. I can reassure you that being attacked in an urban area is greater than in the back woods.
Am I missing something? I know I may have simplified it, but I really fail to see how any logical individual could ask such a question.
Fear Induced Compliance
The government has used fear throughout our history to strip us of
our Constitutional rights and to expand our dependency on big government. Big government was the last thing our Founding Father’s wanted. Yet, we have it. Where did we go astray? It starts with the promise of safety. Who doesn’t want to be safe in their own home, community and country? When a populace is scared or in fear they will do and act irrationally; even give up a little freedom to obtain the life style that provides this safety. The government knows this and has used it in the past and continues to use it to this day. There are many examples from our history where the government has used our fears to strip our rights away and we have blindly followed them for the feeling of “safety”. How many Constitutional rights were taken away from us after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? The list is long but some of the most outrageous violations in the name of safety were kidnapping, detention, torture, warrantless wiretapping, increased surveillance, Real ID, No fly lists, spying, etc., etc. Granted we have no ill feeling for the torture of terrorists but who’s to say it stopped with terrorists? Every time there’s a mass shooting like Columbine on April 20, 1999, Aurora Movie Theater on July 20, 2012 and Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012 our right to bear arms has come under attack. Does anyone remember what happened to over 120,000
Japanese American citizens after we entered into World War II? They were gathered up and placed in concentration camps (I’m sorry, internment camps) and the American people let them do it. What about the American Indians? We hunted them down and killed them because we were afraid. We then forcefully relocated them and in the process killed thousands. These horrific events were due to fear.
Outrage! Outrage is as powerful, if not more powerful than fear. Outrage can be instantaneous or take years to develop, but the end result is a very powerful emotion that turns the sanest of individuals into crazed lunatics. Outrage will make people do things they never imagined, even forfeit their rights. The government knows this as well as it knows fear. What happens after every mass shooting or terrorist attack? The government comes flying in like a super hero to save the day saying I’m the government and I want the American people to be safe. Really?! The government doesn’t give a damn about your safety, outrage or even fear, they will use this to expand their powers and strip your rights.
The government thrives on fear and outrage. If it wasn’t for these emotions the government wouldn’t have half its powers and control. The government may be a veteran at using these emotions against us but it fails to realize that it can turn on them like a rabid dog. Outrage is building throughout our nation and if they fail to see the signs it will be a dark time in American history. The Civil War was not started because of slavery. That’s right, everything we were taught in schools about the Civil War was a lie. The Civil War was started when the south got tired of big government. The final straw was when President Lincoln was elected and imposed a tariff. The fight for slavery came into the picture two years after the war had started when President Lincoln figured out that he could use slaves to fight against the Confederate States. If you do not know history you cannot learn from it. Apparently most of our politicians lack this knowledge of our history and big government may be the reason we have a second civil war.
Rights of the People
In a land of government oversight and infringements we still have, for the time being, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These documents prepared and presented by our founding fathers are what separates America from every other nation on the planet. The Bill of Rights is just that, the Bill of Right and not the Bill of Laws. They are not laws granted or assigned to a few select. They are unalienable rights that every American citizen is born with. They cannot be debated, re-written or otherwise altered in anyway.
If our government continues down the path to tyrannical governance it will be these very rights that our founding fathers identified as unalienable that will save our nation.
The First Amendment gives us the freedom to discuss, debate and even criticize our government without threat of retribution or punishment. It also gives the media that same protection and in normal circumstance the media would provide government oversight, yet this safeguard has failed. The media has failed to provide this oversight to the people, instead the majority of our media seems to be working for the government.
Secondly, we have the doomsday provision that’s activated when all else has failed; this is better known as the Second Amendment. Many on the Left suggest this doomsday provision is out dated and useless in our current society. I beg to differ; it’s our current society that’s makes this doomsday provision very much relevant. These same individuals think it’s preposterous that an armed civilian uprising could be any match for our military. I agree, our military is an awesome force, the best equipped and trained in the world. Which leads me to ask “What makes up the vast majority of our military?” Our mighty military is made up of patriotic, freedom loving, flag raising AMERICANS who have taken a oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic. What side do you think they would take if the doomsday provision was activated?
We can learn much from history and a civil war is the last thing anyone wants. We as a nation need to focus on rebuilding and restructuring what has been lost over the years due to corrupt individuals with personal goals rather than national goals leading their decisions.
Range Time
Range time is awesome! There’s no denying the fact that an hour at the range will make any bad day into a great day. It’s the perfect stress reliever and is beneficial in many ways; you become more familiar with your firearms, you become a better shooter and you inherently become a safer firearm owner.
We here at Patriots Rising also promote training. Training is one of the best ways to advance your firearm knowledge and skills. Find a local firearms instructor in your area that you’re comfortable with and start taking classes – train, train, train is our motto. Attending training classes is even more rewarding if you have a training partner; I’m extremely lucky because my wife loves firearms and shooting as much as I do. We very much enjoy taking classes to advance our knowledge and skills. If you have children then you have an opportunity to train and share your love of firearms with our next generation of shooters.
We focus a lot on our Constitutional rights, laws and regulations and the corrupt Politicians that have a direct impact on our freedoms, sometimes we just need to take a step back from all of that and spend some time sending some lead downrange!
We’ll leave you with this Annie Oakley quote